Snowglobe Quarks


the cutest cat next to a telephone


The locations here will be continuously updated as I publish more stories; for exemple, MACS 2129-1 has other five worlds which are yet to be introduced by (at this time) eleven other stories I have in my list.

The names between parentheses and the numbers after do have a deeper meaning, but it is not yet time to say it. I mean, anything I say will just spoil it, so you can guess that as a person who can't shut the f up sometimes, this is a sighful thing.

You can also think of this, the layers, as "4th layer=super-supercluster" → "3rd layer=supercluster" → "2nd layer=cluster" → "1st layer=galaxy". After this, we naturally have the worlds, and the countries that will be shown in the stories.

ps.: the numbers before the stories' titles just mean which number they are in my WIPs list. That's how I organize them ❣

Fourth layer: Chispersa (Chimera) | 8

Third Layer: Vortuimos (living dead)

Second Layer: Viguna

First Layer: Galaxy HLI-59

⇢ World: Zonad

229. Wishing to be the only one in your eyes


Third Layer: Missacolite (Heteroclite)

Second Layer: Wolfrest

First Layer: Galaxy Proxima Lyrae

⇢ World: Denevous

229. Wishing to be the only one in your eyes

Fourth layer: Laniakea | 8

Third Layer: Virgo

Second Layer: Local Group

First Layer: Galaxy MACS 2129-1 (Aquarius Constellation)

⇢ World:Terragwo

083. November Fifteenth